Newsletter 1/2015


clinical decision support

Arden Syntax to enhance Epic's clinical decision support

at University of Colorado Health System

With the Arden Syntax software systems, Medexter offers tools for the representation and processing of medical knowledge based on a standardized syntax. The Arden Syntax is a Health Level Seven (HL7) standard and ANSI-approved.

Heart Failure Readmission Risk Score Calculation
Since November 15, 2013―for over a year―the University of Colorado Health (UCHealth) System in Colorado/U.S.A. has been using Medexter’s Arden Syntax software for the calculation of heart failure readmission risk scores (HFRRSs). The purpose of the HFRRSs is to inform hospital physicians and heart failure nurse practitioners in case of a patient’s increased risk for readmission due to heart failure. In this way, actions can be taken to reduce this risk before the patient’s discharge. Medical knowledge using the Arden Syntax is representedArden Syntax in Epic Colorado in medical logic modules (MLMs). In Colorado, the entire calculation of the HFRRS is contained within one primary MLM and two subMLMs. These MLMs contain more than 30 data items used for the risk score calculation, including lab data (such as CPK, troponin I, INR), vital signs (such as temperature and pulse), demographics, number of missed clinic visits, and others.

The University of Colorado Health Hospitals
The UCHealth System comprises five hospitals―University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora, Memorial Hospital and Memorial Hospital North in Colorado Springs, Medical Center of the Rockies in Loveland, and Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins―and approximately 400 clinics. They all use Epic as electronic medical record system, into which Medexter’s Arden Syntax software components have been successfully integrated. For this purpose, UCHealth purchased an enterprise-wide Arden Syntax software license for patient care.

Integration in Epic EMR
In the production environment, one Arden Syntax server (distributed on two instances for load balancing) is handling incoming MLM calls. The results are sent back and displayed in the Epic GUI. In the HFRRS case, an email is additionally sent to the nurse practitioners responsible for the patient. The effective implementation of the HFRRS MLMs led to demand for further approximately 50 clinical applications of the Arden Syntax at UCHealth. With the Arden Syntax integrated development and test environments, additional MLMs are currently being developed, for example to classify catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) or to measure laboratory-based acute physiology scores (LAPS), comorbidity point scores (COPS), or Charlson comorbidity scores.

Arden Syntax Software Licenses: Our Arden Syntax software entails the Arden Syntax integrated development and test environment (IDE), the Arden Syntax server, and the database connector for the Arden Syntax server. Available licenses are: Healthcare license for patient care, research license for research and teaching purposes, educational license for teaching purposes, and health IT license for integration. Find more details or request a quote here.

Free Trial Version: Click here to download a 30-day trial of our Arden Syntax integrated development and test environment (IDE).

Save the Date! Meet us at one of the following events:

May 17, 2015: One day prior to the eHealth summit Austria conference in Vienna/Austria, Medexter organizes a free Arden Syntax training course for those who are interested. Please register here.
May 18–19, 2015:
At the eHealth summit Austria that is hosted by HIMSS Europe in Vienna/Austria, Medexter will participate with a booth as part of the industrial exhibition.
May 28–29, 2015:
Medexter participates as exhibitor in the iHealth 2015 Conference in Boston/Massachusetts/U.S.A. Please visit our booth or arrange a meeting.

Attention Europe―Horizon 2020
Medexter offers to partner in research proposals by providing CDS software in various forms. Find details here.
Attention US―CDS for meaningful use
Integrating our Arden Syntax software helps you meet the US's meaningful use criteria. Find details here.

We value personal contact and interesting conversations about all topics related to clinical decision support. Please feel free to contact us via email or give us a call!

Visit our website for more information.

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Medexter Healthcare GmbH, Borschkegasse 7/5, A-1090 Vienna, Austria, Telephone +43-1-968 03 24, Facsimile +43-1-968 09 22, Handelsgericht Wien: FN 225564m, UID: ATU54901101, IBAN: AT602011128014988900, BIC: GIBAATWW