The menu bar can be used to navigate between Moni's functionalities.
Regardless which functionality is selected, the menu bar is always available
to users that are logged in.
The following menu items are available:
Surveillance: Link to the Surveillance screen. Here, the user can observe HAI severity
and trends for every patient in his/her assigned ICUs.
Reporting: Link to the Reporting screen. Here, the user can create HAI reports
for all the different networks and agencies.
Management: The Management menu. Here you can change your password, change anonymization settings, and—if you have permission for user management—manage user accounts. If you are system administrator, you will find several other options here.
About: Link to the About screen. Presents the user with details on his/her Moni version and contact
details for Moni vendor Medexter Healthcare.
Logout: Click here to logout.