Medexter as Siemens Subcontractor for the AKIM Project, Vienna General Hospital
After a thorough selection procedure, Medexter Healthcare was engaged by Siemens AG Österreich (Xetra: SIE, NYSE: SI, LSE: SIE, SWX: SIN) to serve as a subcontractor for the AKIM project (Vienna general hospital information management) at the Vienna General Hospital/Medical University of Vienna. AKIM aims at implementing a new hospital information system including research platforms for bioinformatics, clinical decision support, image processing, and computer-based tutoring. Within one year, Medexter will deliver the platform Fuzzy Arden Syntax software that consists of an integrated development environment, compiler and engine, host interface, server, and data center. Fuzzy Arden Syntax is programmed in Java and will be used as an intranet web application for knowledge-based medical expert systems and clinical decision support in clinical routine, research, and teaching.