Scientific Contributions at eHealth Summit Austria 2014, Vienna
Medexter contributed to the eHealth Summit’s scientific program with several presentations that were held May 22 and 23, 2014. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Adlassnig (CEO) and DI Karsten Fehre (research and development) held a workshop in cooperation with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Binder (Medical University of Vienna) and Mag. Dr. Stefan Sabutsch (ELGA GmbH and head of HL7 Austria) on “HL7-Standards zur medizinischen Wissensverarbeitung: Arden-Syntax und ArdenML”. Addressing the topic “mHealth and Telehealth”, Dr. Philipp Meng presented a “Framework for Near-Field-Communication-Based Geo-Localization and Personalization for Android-Based Smartphones—Application in Hospital Environments”. DI Alexander Seitinger participated in the finale of the conference’s student competition with “An Arden-Syntax-Based Clinical Decision Support Framework for Medical Guidelines—Lyme Borreliosis as an Example”. Talking about “Monitoring von unerwünschten Arzneimittelwirkungen – für Klinik, Qualitätsmanagement und Pharmakovigilanz”, CEO Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Adlassnig contributed to the ongoing discussion regarding “Medication Safety”. Additionally, a presentation entitled “Towards a Global IT System for Personalized Medicine: The Medicine Safety Code Initiative” was given by Mag. Dr. Matthias Samwald on the topic “eMedication and Drug Safety”. The final highlight of Medexter’s presentation activities was a software demonstration by CEO Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Adlassnig showing the possibilities of “Healthcare-Associated Infection Surveillance and Bedside Alerts” using the surveillance tool Moni (Monitoring of Nosocomial Infections)—an application developed by Medexter Healthcare and in use in several hospitals.