Lecture on the Experiences with Momo at the 37th Annual Meeting of ÖGHMP
At this year’s annual meeting of the ÖGHMP (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Präventivmedizin), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Walter Koller gave a lecture on the experiences made with Momo, Medexter’s clinical tool for microbiological analysis and for reporting pathogens and antimicrobial resistances (AMRs). This tool is successfully in operation at the University Hospital of Vienna (UHV), Austria, since 2013 and embedded in the hospital’s IT system. It has more than 1.929 million reports ready for analysis. All relevant data on bacteria, fungi, PCR, serology, toxins, and microscopy is received from the microbiological laboratory information system and immediately made available for use in multiple ways. Momo provides single patient overviews, customizable queries with full microbiological data, frequency distributions of the selected parameters, graphic representation of AMR patterns and of AMR changes over time. Moreover, since its latest release Momo is accessible with only one click from the UHV’s intensive care information systems as well as from the UHV’s overall hospital information system, providing immediate overview on all microbiological findings of one patient or on all the patients of an entire ward. The direct OneClick access and Momo’s versatile analytic functions make it an efficient tool for daily clinical use that is meeting a large array of the hospital’s antimicrobial stewardship demands. It is accessed several hundred times a week and rising.